life has never been better

i'm glowing...


life has never been better...

worked for Carlsberg during Beerfest, it was crazy busy!
was tapping beers non-stop!
but it was fun nonetheless
at least i've been a bar maid before!


 met up with Jane and Thomas of Friends restaurant!
Turns out that they are working with Carlsberg to come up with delicious recipes!
yummy!!! Beer in food!


i've been traveling around so much and having so much fun...
i feel so blessed to be given so many opportunities
i'm a fortunate girl

 a marketing campaign for telcos in Malaysia

i met someone and fell in love... head over heels

 even his lil sis is amazing...

he's constantly trying to fatten me up by arranging food on my plate so nicely

Best I'll ever have...
I feel so safe and secure and calm
it's such a comfortable feeling
i could do this forever...
love you
bryan james toh

cheryl <3


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