
i can't say that i've completely gotten over everything

always takes time...

there are so many things that i miss

i miss the lil boy who'll always be there for me when i'm sad.
when i'm crying, he'd just be lying on my lap giving me his paw
 he was my everything... i loved him so much
 he appreciates me and smiles when i kiss him
 he looks at me in the eye and without saying a word, i know he loves me
 he wants to know that he's always wanted by me. his paw always in my hands
 he snuggles up with me whenever he has the chance to
 cheeky lil boy
 he gets crazy over soft toys and jumps onto me when i try to snatch them away
 he's a handsome fella
i loved him the moment i saw him and i knew he felt the same way too...
 lil baby boy's sister Sydney
 the two papilions
 sunshine and snoopy
i'm sorry sunshine. i couldn't keep you and left you alone that time
if i could turn back time, i wouldn't have done that
i loved you so much. you were such a darling
wanting people to pet you always
took you out for a walk and you were stopping by everyone who passed you, looking at them and asking them for a pet
you're such a sweet little girl but i know you're now in better hands. a better family with a nice warm home to look after you.

 i miss the morning rides. i'll always get all dirty and muddy
but after every ride, i always feel a sense of fulfillment
i miss my first bicycle
my specialized red bicycle, loved it even though i was hardtail
i bought it because i wanted to accompany ...
just look at the amount of bruises i always get.
i'm a clumsy silly girl as always.

 i miss messing around and doing silly stuff spontaneously
 my stupid hair that took hours to bleach and dye
 me pretending to be in a spa advertisement
 fooling around at toy 'r' us suntec
i miss my sexy hot gf from KL... she keeps saying she'll visit but she never does
but then again, i keep saying the same thing to her too
this time round i will visit. maybe during june

list of stuff i miss... i prolly have more but this shall be it

cheryl <3


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