it has been really crazy for me and my dog
first change was Frontline
my dog was in very bad shape previously. he had like skin problems, ticks and fleas.
mummy chan has been bathing him the wrongg way
but it's all good now. his skin redness has decreased alot and no more ticks and scratchy!
Frontline's the best!
Disclaimer: This is not an advertisement
next up was food!
my dog will have onlyyy the best!
went to the hotdog carnival 2010 at fort canning recently and brought snoopy there!
snoopy is a chick magnet
i went to get the car to pick snoopy up and guess what i saw?
2 or 3 girls standing next to snoopy chit-chatting
oh whatever
*rolls eyes
apparently they aren't the only girls
*rolls eyes even moreee
bought Oven-Baked Tradition Fish dog food & treats!
both dogs loved it!!!
russell was eating it continuously like there was no tomorrow
but i think russell's getting a little old
food seems to be too big and hard for him
so i got him a even better brand of food with 55% or fish in it!
gosh... he's eating way better food than me now
Fish 4 Dogs
salmon and codfish

he seems to be enjoying it alot looking at the pictures
they are smaller in size and easier to bite i guess
shall blog more about my visit to the pasir ris pet farm another time!!!
till then!!!
cheryl <3